OVER 10% TURNOUT INCREASE! Buyers and international press from all over the world confirm Milan as the capital of Artistic Perfumery

An over 10% increase in the turnout of buyers, sector operators, international press and visitors coming from 70 countries for the tenth edition of Esxence has confirmed Milan as a business capital and a trendsetter for the next several years in the field of artistic perfumery.

The event, which took place from 5 to 8 April at The Mall in Milan, featured many fragrance excellences created by some of the biggest brands and the best noses and researchers in the business. These — along with retailers, buyers, professionals and enthusiasts that make up the refined, authentic olfactory culture—contribute to the growth of an important part of the alcohol-based perfumery market, which has high potential for growth and is currently enjoying a rapid and constant world-wide expansion. Esxence’s mission is to continue to propose increasingly fascinating and innovative new objectives and challenges.

The attendance success of Esxence—over 10% compared to the 2017 edition—confirms the event as an international venue par excellence and an industry-leading not-to-miss appointment—two facts further established by the presence of 220 selected artistic perfumery and designer cosmetic brands and a rich calendar of events open to the public attending year-after-year.

Download the Closing Press Release:-> https://www.esxence.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Esxence-2018-Closing-press-release.pdf